Thursday, February 25, 2016


私は兄弟が二人います。兄と妹です。兄は UCLAの大学の4生です。22さいです。私の妹は小学せいです。9さいです。とてもかわいいです。

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Semester 2 PE Goals

This semester I want to focus more on retaining information such as vocabulary and grammar for conversation and class participation. I want to be able to understand spoken Japanese better so that I can do well on dicta-conversation and other listening tests. I also want to become a faster speaker. I will accomplish these goals by: 
  • reviewing past vocabulary with flash cards 
  • practice reading and writing independently from Japanese assignments
  • attending office hours more often to work on conversation/listening skills 
  • ask sensei for help with grammar during office hours
  • practice shadowing
  • watch more Japanese shows (i.e. anime) 


